My login doesn’t seem to be working
Your username is usually your email address, but if that doesn’t seem to be working, try your first and last name capitalized and closed up: JaneDoe.
If you are still unable to log in, please email us at: [email protected]
I don’t have a password
We set the following password as a default: desUSA2015
Please change it to a more secure password when you have a chance.
How do I renew my membership?
Click on the Renew button at the top of this page. You will be able to log in and renew via our secure donation form.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected]
Can I pay my membership fee by check?
Yes. Download the paper membership form (pdf). Make your check out to DES Action USA and mail it with the form to: DES Action USA, 178 Columbus Avenue, #237182, New York, NY 10023
I don’t want to be a member, I just want to make a donation. Can I do that?
Yes, you can. You can use PayPal to easily donate with a credit card even if you don’t have a PayPal account.
We welcome donations. Go to our Donate page and use our secure form.