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Welcome to our video library for DES Action.


2018: In celebration of our 40th year since the founding, we interviewed a dozen people who have been important in DES history. We couldn’t interview anywhere near all those who have done so much for our organization and for the knowledge and awareness of DES, but the ones we interviewed are a great representation. (The October interview of a DES mother and daughter has been deleted by request) Here’s the list:


  1. Executive Director Suzanne Robotti and Community Manager Karen Calechman held a virtual Town Hall (December)
  2. Breast screening specialist Dr. Gary Levine and Radiologist (November)
  3. DES researcher Linda Titus (September)
  4. Former Executive Director Fran Howell and former Program Director Kari Christiansen (August)
  5. Co-founder of DES Cancer Network, Susan Helmrich, DES Daughter and (July)
  6. Dr. Nita Karnick Lee, an ob/gyn with a specialty in DES and oncology (June)
  7. DES and Gender researcher Jacquelyne Luce, PhD (May)
  8. DES lawyer Michael London (April)
  9. Author Susan Bell (March)
  10. Peabody Award-winning documentarian Judith Helfand about her movie A Healthy Baby Girl (February);
  11. Dave Fuehrer, creator of the StupidCancer app. Dave’s team added DES-exposed as one of the communities on the free app (January).
  12. 2017 The DES Action Symposium. DES Action held a Symposium on DES, history, present and future. Here we have a video of the entire presentation. 


Donate to DES Action USA.

The mission of DES Action is to identify, educate, empower and advocate for DES-exposed individuals. If you would like to make a donation to support DES Action USA and our goal, thank you and please click here.

 Featured Video

DES Action Executive Director Suzanne B. Robotti Interviews
Co-founder of DES Cancer Network, Susan Helmrich.




 Video Library

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Facebook Live Interviews

In December 2018, Executive Director Suzanne Robotti and Community Manager Karen Calechman held a virtual Town Hall, answering questions from members about DES and taking a look back at the successes of our 40th anniversary year. In November, Karen interviewed Dr. Gary Levine, Radiologist and Breast Screening Specialist, focusing on issues specific to DES Daughters, including the difficulty of finding tumors in women who have dense breast tissue.

Previous interviews were with DES researcher Linda Titus (September); former Executive Director Fran Howell and former Program Director Kari Christiansen (August); Susan Helmrich, DES Daughter and co-founder of DES Cancer Network (July); Dr. Nita Karnick Lee, an ob/gyn with a specialty in DES and oncology (June); DES and Gender researcher Jacquelyne Luce, PhD (May); with DES lawyer Michael London (April); with author Susan Bell (March); with Peabody Award-winning documentarian Judith Helfand about her movie A Healthy Baby Girl (February); and with Dave Fuehrer, creator of the StupidCancer app. Dave’s team added DES-exposed as one of the communities on the free app (January). Click for videos.


Contact Us






Dear Friend of DES Action USA,


DES Action no longer needs to have a membership fee. All who are interested in information about DES are welcome to the full website. (For more on that, check out our email to members available on the Home Page)


On the website you’ll be able to gain the most accurate and up-to-date information about DES available anywhere. You will find the history of DES studies and usage, the damages it has caused and links or citations to authoritative research studies. There are also lists of doctors for health care and lists of attorneys if you want to explore legal action. You will also be able to access and search all the back issues of the VOICE newsletter soon (we are working out some privacy issues). Our final issue of the VOICE will be Fall/Winter 2023.


Personal interaction is limited, please email [email protected] and we will answer your questions in a timely manner. The organization is run on a volunteer basis now, so please be patient.


If you would like to make a donation to help with the ongoing maintenance of the website, thank you and please click here.


Many thanks,


Suzanne Robotti
Executive Director
DES Action



DES Action Town Hall Meeting 2023

Tune into the DES Action Town Hall 2023 

To watch the full stream click here  




  1. Resources
  2. Attorney List
  3. Doctor List
  4. Medical Records Search
  5. For Health Care Providers