In December 2018, Executive Director Suzanne Robotti and Community Manager Karen Calechman held a virtual Town Hall, answering questions from...
In September, Executive Director Suzanne Robotti interviewed DES researcher Linda Titus. Dr. Titus is one of the team of researchers...
This Facebook Live interview with Susan Helmrich, DES Daughter and co-founder of DES Cancer Network. She tells Su about the...
DES Action’s Executive Director Suzanne Robotti interviews DES Attorney Michael London. Michael London has been involved in DES litigation for...
We chatted with Dave Fuehrer, creator of the StupidCancer app. Dave’s team added DES-exposed as one of the communities on...
Our November interview was with Dr. Gary Levine, Radiologist and Breast Screening Specialist. DES Action USA Community Manager Karen Calechman...
In August, as part of our 40th Anniversary celebration, we asked former executive Director Fran Howell and former Program Director...
DES Action Executive Director Su Robotti interviewed Dr. Nita Karnik Lee on June 17, 2018. Dr. Lee is an ob/gyn...
On Wednesday, March 21, DES Action USA Executive Director Su Robotti interviewed Susan Bell, author of the book, DES Daughters:...
In February 2018, DES Action USA Executive Director Su Robotti interviewed Peabody Award-winning documentarian Judith Helfand about her movie A...